Our brand is growing faster than ever!!  Doug increased our total email revenue by almost 8x, largely due to a complex network of flows that speaks to every stage and possibility in our customer journey.
- Hal E., DTC Founder

Transform Your eComm Brand’s
Retention and LTV

With Advanced Email, SMS and Direct Mail Frameworks

From Buyers to Auto-Shippers
From Buyers to Auto-Shippers
Multiply your auto-ship subscriber base and/or lift retention rates
Advanced Segmentation
Advanced Segmentation
Implement strategies to organize and optimize a complex backend ecosystem
Inflection Point Marketing
Inflection Point Marketing
Retention protocols built around the key moments in your buying journey
Never Lose a Customer
Never Lose a Customer
Win back unsubscribed or disengaged customers at a healthy ROI with targeted direct mailers

Come Inside of Klaviyo With Me

$1M in 47 Days: Email & SMS Case Study

Click the play button to start watching!

Grab a cup of tea and enjoy this full Masterclass inside of Klaviyo on how we generated $1M from Email and SMS in just 47 days (not BFCM!) for a brand with less than 100k subscribers.

Watch it and you’ll learn the nuts-and-bolts behind winning Retention Strategies and get a picture of how I can change the game for your brand, too.

Curious What a Brand Like Yours Should Be Doing To Keep Customers Buying?

Use the calendar below to book a short intro call where we can talk through your situation, our approach and the biggest pockets of hidden opportunity for your brand.

NOTE: All appointment times are in EST by default.

Baby Got Back(end) Revenue

We routinely find 6- and 7-figures of LOST BACKEND REVENUE in the accounts we review – and chances are we can do the same for yours.

So if you’re curious about the biggest opportunities inside of your account, schedule a call with us now.

Meet the Founder

Hi, I’m Doug Van Buskirk, the Founder of Zen Moon Media. Nice to meet you 😀
If you’re reading this section now, you’re probably wondering who I am and what sets my work apart?

On the personal side…

I live in Charleston, SC with my wife, two young boys and two Lhasa Apso puppies (yes, it’s a lot…and no, they don’t ever give us a break LOL).

On the business side…

I’ve been a direct-response copywriter and consultant for 12+ years. I started Zen Moon Media in 2021, and I work with a small team to create big results for our DTC clients.

We specialize in working with established DTC eCommerce brands with complicated backend ecosystems, and who are already capitalizing on all the obvious retention opportunities.

I’ve blended my background in the following disciplines to create unique Retention frameworks that keep your customers engaged and buying:

  • Customer Psychology
  • Direct-Response Copywriting and Marketing Strategy
  • Scientific Testing Methodology
  • In-Depth Data Organization and Analysis

TLDR: If you have an established DTC brand with a complex backend that’s not built out to its full potential, I can make immediate and dramatic improvements to your bottom line.
